INLOG4QMS is a complete quality management software package designed to manage all management processes while reducing risk and improving customer satisfaction.

INLOG4QMS is ergonomic, intuitive, modular, flexible, customizable and communication-driven.

INLOG4QMS communicates with the main Economic and Financial Management (EFM) applications, as well as the major ordering platforms in the market and buying groups.

INLOG4QMS is offered in SaaS mode and is HDS-certified.


Process and risk optimization

INLOG4QMS allows you to create your processes without branch limits. Your documents are available through multiple tree structures. Integrated risk management makes your management system more effective and efficient.

Management and organization of the production structure and resources

  • Managing your organization, entities and sectors.
  • Planning of corrective actions, management of provisional schedules and execution of these tasks (computer back-ups, internal audits, periodic meetings or management reviews, etc.).
  • Dynamic inventory. Traceability of equipment data sheets. Monitoring Equipment and maintenance.

Personnel management

The VSTAFF module is integrated into Edge4QMS. It provides a global and detailed view of skills, authorizations and internal and/or external training needs.

Document management/strong

  • Document validation circuit with protocol for creating or updating documents,
  • Workflow configurable by document type,
  • Dynamic forms management,
  • Integration of recordings.

Main features

Integrated messaging and workflow

An integrated messaging system and dashboard with alerts give each member of staff, depending on their position in the organisation, a dynamic view of events.

Management of personalised records, undesirable events, non-conformities, action plans, audits and supplier assessments

INLOG4QMS centralises all discrepancies and events observed. The data and presentation of each form can be fully customised. You can create an unlimited number of templates using the graphical design tool.

Events can be sorted and analysed, leading to the creation of action plans that will ensure :

  • Analysis of causes,
  • Implementing and monitoring the various actions,
  • Verifying the effectiveness of the actions taken.

Edge4QMS can be used to create, plan and monitor audits and the resulting actions.

Other available features:

  • Creation of a schedule for these assessments,
  • Ability to link a form and documents, as well as all events linked to a given supplier,
  • Ability to link a supplier’s products and equipment,
  • Statistical analysis of event data.

In addition to alerting referrers on a form, INLOG4QMS can also trigger customisable alerts.

Management of products, suppliers, orders and stocks, traceability, statistics

More than just inventory management, INLOG4QMS manages the traceability chain, with alerts and automatic messages. Not only does INLOG4QMS ensure that inventories and controls are carried out correctly, it also enables cross-referenced statistics to be produced.

INLOG4QMS gives the sector or laboratory manager the ability to prepare statistical analyses for supplier contract reviews.
This makes it easy for staff to manage products and consumables on a day-to-day basis, while being alerted to use-by dates.

With INLOG4QMS, the quality assurance manager can monitor product traceability, expiry dates and storage conditions.

INLOG4QMS is also used to manage stocks of products and consumables. This enables orders to be automated, resulting in savings in terms of stock on hand, as well as control over the quality of products and reagents received.